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Essay for public service

Essay for public service

essay for public service

Nov 29,  · The Importance of Public Service. Use Up/Down Arrow keys to increase or decrease volume. I believe the power of one individual can truly make a difference in the lives of many. I’ve spent almost a decade in public service, including five years as an elected public official. I must admit that I take some pride in the fact that I have Jun 21,  · EssayEdge > Blog > Public Service – Grad School Sample Essay. “To be nobody but yourself—in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else—means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting.”. When I first read this passage by E.E. Cummings, I realized I have been fighting the same battle my whole blogger.comted Reading Time: 9 mins Public service is a resource which is provided by the government to their respective citizens living under a specific jurisdiction. The core objective for providing public service by the government. Words. 3 Pages. Satisfactory Essays

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Cummings, I realized I have been fighting the same battle my whole life. When choosing the direction for my future, I have often accepted jobs based on a compromise between my own dreams and what others thought my dreams should be. This, of course, has led to an unfulfilling career. Looking back, I always knew that I wanted to work in public service; but I also knew essay for public service staunchly conservative father would not be pleased.

To him, the government is too big, too intrusive and too wasteful, essay for public service. I see things differently. And yet, his approval means a lot to me and his opinion has certainly influenced my the direction of my career. But I have finally come to understand that I must pursue my own path.

After careful deliberation, I am confident that public service is, without a doubt, the right career for me. Ever since my childhood I have detected in myself a certain compassion and innate desire to help others. I was the kid that dragged in every stray cat or dog I came across—and I still do.

I even coaxed my father into taking Alice—I called her Alice—to the vet when she became ill. I spent years of my childhood on crutches and in hospitals because of a tumor that hindered the growth of my leg. Without adequate health insurance and proper care, I might still be on crutches, but I was fortunate. Today, as a public servant, I still desire to help others who are not so fortunate. Providing health care to 44 million uninsured Americans, while keeping insurance affordable, is one of the most difficult challenges facing policymakers.

I want to work in state or local government to resolve this health care crisis and ensure that the disadvantaged get the care they need and deserve. For a while, I considered such options as law school or international relations, essay for public service, but I always returned to my desire to impact public life. My career in public policy began as a legislative assistant at the American Legislative Exchange Council ALECa non-profit educational organization that couples voices from the state legislature and the private sector to work on salient policy issues.

Following ALEC, I took a position as a junior lobbyist for the Automotive Parts and Accessories Essay for public service APAA. I wanted to promote policies which had the potential to improve life for the greater public, for I could not see myself spending a lifetime working within an isolated industry.

With that frame of mind, I accepted employment as a policy analyst in the National Federation of Independent Business NFIB research department in Washington, essay for public service, D. Helping small business owners is a cause close to my heart. For nearly 30 years, my family has owned a barbecue restaurant in the Washington, D. At the NFIB, I valued my contributions because I know small businesses have a huge economic impact on our country and they are unquestionably an important constituency.

Nevertheless, I felt uncomfortable working for a special interest group—even for one I deeply cared about. From my experiences at the APAA and the NFIB, I have learned how I want to shape my future. My goals are now clear: I want to develop and advocate policy decisions that will benefit society as a whole, not just a few influential special interest groups.

I want to uncover the objective truth of issues and tackle them in the best interests of the nation, not distort the facts for the benefit of a small group. I know I am able to look beyond partisan politics to solve problems for this country. Because of these unbending desires to reveal truth and to remain committed to fair and equal advancement for all citizens, I think of myself as an ideal candidate for public service.

Additionally, I consider my active interest in politics to aid my pursuit of a career in public policy. However, my faith in the political process began to wane as I witnessed sensible public policy proposals torn apart by partisan conflict. I saw advocacy groups distort facts, and provide extreme, over-blown examples, jeopardizing prudent policy decisions. I observed how powerful elected officials, ensnared in their own partisan essay for public service, would block fair and balanced legislation which offered the most practical solution for their constituents.

But I also encountered many thoughtful and wise people who devote their lives to public service. These devoted individuals inspired me. Like them, I want to be actively involved in the design and delivery of essential government services that improve the lives essay for public service the citizens in our society today. I am positive that by avoiding partisanship and urging the private industry, the public sector and non-profit groups to collaborate, many difficult problems can be resolved.

In order to be an effective public servant, I recognize the indispensability of an advanced degree. I also want to devote time to studying the ethical dimensions of policy decisions. As I mentioned, I feel that if I can strengthen my ability to approach problems logically and systematically, I will have succeeded in sharpening skills I consider necessary to succeed in the public realm.

I am excited by the possibility of combining the MPP program with the Health Policy Certificate Program. From my own research into Duke, I feel confident in my knowledge of the public policy program and its potential to teach me.

My diversity of experience is my biggest asset, essay for public service. Because I can relate a Duke education to concrete essay for public service from my own past, it is the perfect time for me to join the public policy program. I know that my past can be used to prepare myself for the promises of the future.

At Duke, I hope to synthesize the two and truly learn what it means to become myself. Skip to content. June 21, Having admission document worries? Leave editing issues to our experts, essay for public service. Find Out More. EssayEdge customers and authorized clients can leave a comment.

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The Importance of Public Service « Rob Wonderling | This I Believe

essay for public service

Public service is a resource which is provided by the government to their respective citizens living under a specific jurisdiction. The core objective for providing public service by the government. Words. 3 Pages. Satisfactory Essays Jun 21,  · EssayEdge > Blog > Public Service – Grad School Sample Essay. “To be nobody but yourself—in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else—means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting.”. When I first read this passage by E.E. Cummings, I realized I have been fighting the same battle my whole blogger.comted Reading Time: 9 mins The Alliance for Innovation is conducting an essay project on the Value of Public Service. This is a work in progress which began with the inspiring article written by Randy Reid, Formerly County Manager in Alachua County, FL currently CountyFile Size: KB

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