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Sign in Recent Site Activity Report Abuse Print Page Powered By Google Sites. Master Thesis. Search this site. Experimental Studies, master thesis decision support system. Papers That Need Review. Research Questions. Subject : A great introductory paper that defined GDSS and talks about lots of relevant psychological phenomena. I am not sure that their findings about electronic behavior are still applicable however given the new internet generation that has adapted to online social norms, however the findings are still certainly relevant.
Need to Cite? Must Cite Findings : Experimental Setup : Original Contributions there is a growing interest in group decision support systems GDSSwhich combine communication, computer, and decision technologies to support problem formulation and solution in group meetings. Technological advancements such as electronic boardrooms, local area networks, teleconferencing, and decision support software have spurred research in this area.
p1 A GDSS aims to improve the process of group decision making by removing common communication barriers, providing techniques for structuring decision analysis, and systematically directly the pattern, timing, or content of discussion.
p1 Our perspective is based on an information-exchange view of group decision making and posits that the effects of GDSS occur due to changes in the pattern of interpersonal communication brought about by the technology, In particular, the use of GDSS alters the nature of participation within the group, which, in turn, impacts decision quality and other outcomes of a meeting.
p2 We suggest that the design of support systems be driven by three factors: the size of the group, the presence or absence of face-to-face interaction, and the task confronting the group See Figure 1. Group Size: Small master thesis decision support system Large Member Proximity: Face-Face, dispersed Task Type: planning, creativity, intellective, preference, cognitive conflict, mixed motives For our purposes then, a decision-making group can be defined as two or more people who are jointly responsible for detecting a problem, elaborating on the nature of the problem, generating solutions, evaluating potential solutions, or formulating strategies for implementing solutions.
p2 Interpersonal exchanges: The communication activities exhibited in a decision-related meeting include proposal exploration, opinion exploration, master thesis decision support system, analysis, expressions of preference, argumentation, socializing, information seeking, information giving, master thesis decision support system, proposal development and proposal negotiation BedauPoole a p2 Supporting group decision making primarily involves changing, in a positive direction, the interpersonal exchange that occurs as a group proceeds through the problem solving process.
In this sense, the goal of GDSS is to alter the communication process within groups. master thesis decision support system Outcomes of meetings may be measured on many dimensions, including decision quality and timeliness, master thesis decision support system, satisfaction with the decision, cost or ease of implementation, member commitment to implementation, or the group's willingness to work together in the future.
p3 The only consistent pattern observed accross all types of groups is that two major interaction orientations dominate as the meeting progresses. Blake and Mounton THe relative emphasis on these two concerns tends to shift as a meeting progresses Bales and Strodtbeck ; Hare p4 Several Implication for DGSS degisners and researchers follow from this discussion of patterns of information exchange: GDSSs must accomodate a wide range of decision processes in groups.
a large number of groups can benefit from tools that allow them to plan a meeting strategy GDSSs should aim to support both the social needs of groups as well as their task-focused activities. Encouraging communications that deal with group member feelings are important for memebers' acceptance of the solution and their willingness to work together in the future Miner Social needs being meeting-related Researchers must anticipate the difficulties of tracking decision paths and deciphering decision patterns in groups.
Merely capturing general stages is inadequate for understand how the technology is influencing the meeting; rather longitudinal methods that capture changes in members' cognitions, master thesis decision support system, actions, and feelings over time are required.
p4 Three Levels of Systems: Master thesis decision support system 1: provide technical features aimed at removing common communication barriers, such as large screens for instantaneous display of ideas, voting solication and compilation, anonymous input of ideas and preferences, and master thesis decision support system message exchange between members, master thesis decision support system.
Level 2: provide decision modeling and group decision techniques aimed at reducing uncertainty and noise that occur in the group;s decision process. Level 2 GDSS might provide automated planning toolls, or other aids commonly found in individual decision support systems, for group members to master thesis decision support system on and view simulatneously, again using a large common screen, master thesis decision support system.
Modeling tools to support analyses that ordinarily are performed in a qualitative fashion, such as social judgment formation, risk analysis, or multiattribute utility methods can be introduced to the master thesis decision support system via a level 2 DGSS.
Level 3: are characterized by machine-induced group communication patterns and can include expert advice in the selecting and arranging of rules to be applied during a meeting. p6 Literature Review : In general, research suggest that adding structure to the decision process postiively impacts decision outcomes SMith Common problems experienced by decision-making groups include: deominance of discussion by one or more members; extreme influence of high-status members and lack of acknowledgment of the ideas of low-status members; low tolerance of minority or controversial opinions; inability to access information that is down the hall or in the computer during the coruse of the group meeting; and undue attention to social activities relative to the task activities of the group.
THe GDSS shell system can address these needs by providing electronic communication, anonymous input and display of ideas, solicitation and analysis of votes and preferences, and access to personal or coproate data bases.
p8 Of these external factors, group size and the proximity of members during the meeting appear to be the most critical to GDSS design. p9 As membership increases, the number of potential information exchagnes rises geometrically, and the frequency, duration, and intimacy of information exchange all decline.
Consensus becomes harder to ahcieve, and affectional ties and satisfaction with the group decline Cartwright and ZanderHargeThomas and FinkHoffman p10 Smaller groups are more likely to actively attempt to resolve opinion differences, whereas larger groups tend to use humor as a tension-reducing mechanism Bales and BorgattaHarge et al. p10 Groups using computer-mediated master thesis decision support system, when compared with face-to-face groups, participate more equally within the group, are more uninhibited, and reach decision which deviate further from initial individual preferences Siegel et al.
However, while dispersion of members can improve decision accuracy for some tasks, interpersonal conflict tends to be greater, communication becomes less efficient, and satisfaction within the group process tends to decline Boje and MurninghanSiegel et al. p 10 As Poole et al. p12 A Group task can be characterized by its goals, criteria for copletion, rules and roles that must be followed, imposed stress or time limits, or consequences of success or failsure HareMcGrath and Altman p12 Major group goals in decision-related meetings include: 1 Generating ideas and actions, Creativity tasks require generation of novel ideas2 Choosing alternatives.
Intellective tasks require selection of the correct alternative, Preference tasks require selection of an alternative for which there is no objective criterion of correctness 3 Negotiating solutions. Cognitive conflict tasks involve resolution of conflicting viewpoints, and mixed-motive tasks involve resolution of conflicting motives or interests p12 task-oriented communication will dominate social-oriented communication in GDSS-supported groups, and that negative social communication will dominatae positive social exchanges.
THis hypothesis is consstent with Turoff and Hiltz's conclustion that there is more teask-focused communication and less joking and laughing in GDSS-supported groups, and Sielg et al. In a series of studies comparing electronic and face-to-face communication modalities, Rutter and Robinson conclude that social cues are lost when people do not meet in the same room; they refer to this as "cuelessness" and report that there is increased attention to the task, more impersonal communication, and treater task0oreintation in physically diparate groups.
Greater task0oreintation has been shown to improve decision quality in some settings Cited papers p15 On the one hand, greater or more even member participation may yield desirable effects for the group. Irving and Turoff and Hiltz have found the anonymity of electronic communication to increase the number of interpersonal exchanges and reduce the probability of any on member dominating the meetings. Full participation of the members allows extraction of resources from a group and promotes error checking, tus making better decision making possible Hackman and Kaplan ; Holloman and Hendrick Existing group research also suggest that greater member participation should increae acceptance and a sense of responsibility for a decision BedauBLockHackman and Kaplan as well as greater cohesiveness and satisfaction within the group hare p16 Some members may fear that although their comments are entered anonymously, the computer tehcnology has the capacity to store opinions for later viewing by someone.
Again, psychological tension may increase and quality of participation decline. p16 Numerous studies have repoted a negative relationship between physical proximity and interperosnal attraction, or liking or one another festinger, Schacter and BackHargeNEwcomb master thesis decision support system ANd dgree of liking, in turn, has been shown to affect group cohesiveness and norm devleopment Hollander Group choesiveness may be irrelevant if decision quality is the primary objective of the group.
however the variable becomes exrrmeley important if strong morla. e, long term cooperation, and conformity to group norms are citicial to the organization cited papers p17 To the extent that GDSS technology is used to detach ideas from their propontents, ideas will master thesis decision support system the object of discusiion rather than the proponents of those ideas.
WHile encourgaging better decision quality, master thesis decision support system, this will also prevent members with high perceived power from exercising influence, and prohibit the eemergence of new power from those seeking it. IF ideas and preferences are excahgned anonymously, individual members will not know who favbvors what, or where specific memebrs stand on an issue. Even if names are attached to ideas, ideas will still tend to recieve greater attention than proponents when communication is electonrially based Rutter and Robinson In reality, quality is often sacrificed to gain acceptance and vice versa.
Much of the justification for participative decision making in organization has been to gain acceptance of ideas, rather than gain better ideas per se. Group decision support systems cannot be expected to reslove this problem. Turoff and Hiltz argue that high satisfaction and high decision quality cannot be simultaneously achieved. Research devoted to GDSS should be deeply concerned with both performance and satisfaction variables, keepin in mind that the long-term purpose of decision support systems is to improve the quality and efficiency of organizational settings.
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