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Susan sontag essay on photography

Susan sontag essay on photography

susan sontag essay on photography

Jun 13,  · Sontag’s collection of essays entitled On Photography is perhaps the most prescient and influential book ever written on the medium. Though it is now regarded as a seminal art-historical text, Sontag was neither an art professional nor an academic: She was alternately celebrated and derided as a “public intellectual.”Estimated Reading Time: 5 mins Mar 25,  · Sontag argues that photography does not allow people to truly understand things and that it does not teach any ethical or political knowledge. The truth is that it deepens our understanding and expands our knowledge of the world around us. Without photography, people would have no idea of what surrounded them and what happened before their time Susan Sontag Analysis Essay When comparing the descriptive technique of Susan Sontag’s On Photography book between ALL MY LIFE FOR SALE by John D. Freyer and eBay, we will find that Mr. Freyer demonstrated a merely subjective description that was mentored solely by his own point of view

On Photography Susan Sontag Analysis Essay - Words

Photography shows us the world, but only the world the photographer creates. According to Sontag, photos show that we understand through a photo in the way we see the picture. Seeing photos can limit our understanding because we only see the picture not whats going on around it. Images allowed us to see situations that occurred; however, it is extremely limited in what the audience can see.

Photography has accomplished the task of manipulation to the point where images do not exhibit the honesty. For example, susan sontag essay on photography, ads are displayed every day in our lives distorting the honesty portrayed. Long ago when a cigarette commercial came on they had enhanced the color, and edited all the little details that appeals to our emotions, making cigarettes look good.

Following this further Sontag infers that nothing that comes from a susan sontag essay on photography can really be understood. The reason for that is because photography shows everything but context. However as Sontag pointed out photography takes the gaps in our mental pictures and replaces them.

Photograph gives proof and confirms the past, but it does not exhibit the honesty a citizen would have lived through.

For example if no pictures were captured during the Holocaust time period, it would be hard for people to believe that all the torturing actually occurred. One cannot say they truly understand how the Jews felt, without actually experiencing what the Jews did. It takes one to be there to experience the emotions and tears the Jews had as the gas killed them and family.

Sontag says understanding can only come from what is shown. There is much more to life than what meets the eye, and this can be exemplified and proved in many different ways. Pretend that someone knows nothing about the tragic events that occurred on Susan sontag essay on photography 11, susan sontag essay on photography, A photo is placed in front of Them.

They take a look. It appears to be a man dressed in what appears to be in work clothes but the thing that strikes their attention first, the thing that stands out most is that he is upside down.

Odd they think. The background behind the man is what looks to be a steel like structure. However, did the photograph show them what was going on around him? The building he jumped off of? A hijacked commercial airlines plane crashed into it leaving the building to go up in flames and ready to collapse with smoke pouring out the windows. Leaving him susan sontag essay on photography at least 1, other people trapped on the high floors of the tower.

This man, this falling man, was surrounded by absolute chaos, destruction, death, a living hell, but they would never know. He looks so calm, so serene even though he is more than well aware that his life is about to end in a matter of seconds.

To the person looking at the photo they only see it as Sontag says they do. Through what they see in the picture, not what is really occurring. To an extent, yes, photography does limit us in the view of the world like Sontag refers to.

Pictures are taken by photographers who chose what they wish to express and how they wish life to appear to be. By doing this, reality has changed, becoming manipulated into something susan sontag essay on photography it truly is not. It is now a reality created from the human mind, influenced by its wants, desires and emotions. Photography also fails to give us background, or deeper knowledge about the photo.

Pictures lack the emotion experienced by the person taking the picture how hard it may have been to get the picture susan sontag essay on photography photographer wanted.

Yet pictures can sometimes invoke an emotional response a gruesome death, a spectacular sunset. Pictures lend to a greater understanding of what is happening around the world.

When someone sees the faces of others in places they never will travel to, they start to understand the emotion they show. Words sometimes can not do justice to the things you are able to see.

Yet, do not be fooled by everything you see today. Technology has taken photography to a new level. Make certain you trust your source first. Be skeptical, but keep your eyes and mind open at the same time. Qualifying Sontag, a single photograph of an event, place, time or whatever will only give you a limited perspective of that event, place or whatever.

However it does not limit our susan sontag essay on photography of something. It simply gives a single viewpoint or snapshot for us to base an overall understanding. However, the truth is that photography enhanced our understanding of the world. It allows us to see things that would be otherwise impossible to see.

Sontag argues that photography does not allow people to truly understand things and that it does not teach any ethical or political knowledge. The truth is that it deepens our understanding and expands our knowledge of the world around us, susan sontag essay on photography. Without photography, people would have no idea of what surrounded them susan sontag essay on photography what happened before their time.

Photography produces a visual history of the world, thus producing a greater appreciation for it. Accessed July 31, Download paper.

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Susan Sontag interview (1995)

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The Morals of Vision: Susan Sontag’s ‘On Photography’ Free Essay Example

susan sontag essay on photography

Susan Sontag Analysis Essay When comparing the descriptive technique of Susan Sontag’s On Photography book between ALL MY LIFE FOR SALE by John D. Freyer and eBay, we will find that Mr. Freyer demonstrated a merely subjective description that was mentored solely by his own point of view “On Photography is to my mind the most original and illuminating study of the subject.”—Calvin Trillin, The New Yorker. Susan Sontag was born in New York City on January 16, File Size: 1MB Jul 31,  · Susan Sontag’s didactic text “On Photography” digs deep into the meaning of photography and claims that it has unlimited power within modern society. Her exclamation that “cameras are fantasy-machines” exerts the idea that photography brings the world closer together, yet seems so distant as if it were all but an illusion

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